Monday, March 15, 2010

Chavez wants to regulate the Internet

President Hugo Chavez wants to regulate the Internet after Noticiero Digital a popular news website, posted information about some killings that happened in Venezuela. According to Chavez this information was false and therefore wants to regulate the flow of information on the Internet. "The Internet can't be something free where anything can be done and said. No, every country has to impose its rules and regulations," Chavez said in a televised speech on Saturday.
Noticiero Digital responded Sunday, posting a statement that Chavez's comments are "a serious threat against freedom of expression, threats that are becoming increasingly frequent in Venezuela, affecting radio stations, the press and now — Internet."
Chavez is also very critical of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, he believes that many people use these social networks to slander many public officials.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chavez rejects two cable channels

The Venezuelan government rejected two cable channels on March 5, 2010. According to the telecommunication agency, the channel RCTV Internacional failed to meet a deadline for registering the channel. The other channel RCTV Mundo did not meet some of the programming regulations and consequently they were rejected.
Marciel Granier president of RCTV, accused the agency of rejecting the channels under Chavez's orders. Granier believes that Chavez "does not want them to exist" because their channels express criticism about Chavez government according to the LA Times